June 30, 2015

Do you have a passion?

Have you ever felt that you don't belong in your workplace? No matter how hard you try to fit in, no matter how hard you try to do your best, things just doesn't work out well. There's always something wrong.
I know how it feels. I have been in the hospitality industry for 4 years. It is not that long, but it's enough time to make me realize that I was never meant to be there. I like the job, it was always challenging and fun. You will always learn and experience new things everyday. But no matter how fun it is, I did not enjoy it. I'm not good at talking with people - which is basically the key point if you want to success in hospitality industry, I never get comfortable with it no matter how often I did. I am not a natural speaker. I am always be the more introverted one around my friends and I'm not ashamed of that. But rather than talking, I do have other thing that I'm really good at and people always praise me for that. I really love makeup. My friends said that it is my gift. Well... I thought it was just a hobby. But as much as I did that I realized that it is my passion. I feel happier doing it, so I thought why not I did that for a living. 

I decided to change my life! Change my way of thinking, seeing life in a different perspective. I don't want to be that boring person who wake up every morning and forcing myself to go to work that I don't love just because I need to make money. I want to be happier. I want to have a more meaningful life. I want to wake up every morning feeling passionate and confident. I want to feel the rush of excitement pumping through my blood. 

So today I begin my journey, I challenge myself to take that 1 leap of faith and change my world. Be a superhero!! Well.. Everyone is a superhero of themselves and the people around them. So be the change and be the inspiration.

Here's a little bit about me and makeup.. I’m a self taught makeup artist. Blogs and youtube videos are my teacher. Makeup has always be my love since I was in Junior High. I remember started selling makeup to my friends back then, I did not wear it because it was not common for a 14 yrs old kid to wore makeup so much, but I loved buying lipstick back then. My mom used to scold me for buying things that I didn't use and she would said “Why would you buy such a pale lipstick?” – It was Oriflame Lipstick in Delicate Rose if I’m not wrong. And yup, she was just right because I end up never used it at all. I just loved looking at the pretty color and imagined myself wearing it. Then on high school I started to forget my love for makeup. I was distracted. I was too busy with my school and gaming -- Ragnarok Online was a bomb that time! And FYI I still love it until now, even though I never played it again. But then my passion for makeup growing more and more at the beginning of my senior year in college. I started wearing makeup, just a simple one to go to college and work. It was earlier 2011 and youtube beauty gurus were starting to pop out of nowhere. And I start watching them, duplicating their makeup on myself, and in no time I became really good at it. I thought that it was just a hobby, but then I get a chance to do makeup on my mom, my sisters and my friends and I started to realize that this is what I want to do in my life. Doing makeup on other people and make them beautiful. Seeing how confident they have been by the swipe of my makeup brushes. The feeling was awesome.

This is a journal made for me, for you and for everyone. To remind me about my life, my motivation, my dream, my passion and how far I have moved on. To remind you about how important to have a dream and go after it. To remind people that they can make the world a better place. And all that starts from ourselves. I can do it! You can do it! Everyone can do it! So keep dreaming and let’s make our dreams come true.

Good Luck

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