January 26, 2016

A Letter to 2016

Dear 2016,

How do you do? I am very excited to finally meet you. By looking at a glance, you seem very kind and full of hope. I know you will be an awesome friend. I am so sad to leave 2015, she was very helpful and she had helped me through a lot of ups and downs and faithfully believe in me. So strong that I end up believe in myself too. And I am thankful for that.

So 2016, I already have a lot of things in mind for both of us. Things I believe will filled our lives with happiness and joy and keep us feeling fulfilled. Ok..I know you won't be here for long, so let's talk about a few things that we need to achieve together before you left for good.

1. Eat Healthier. I wanna feel and look better in 2016. I'm not doing very well with healthy lifestyle and constantly eating junk food and eating too much which caused my stomach feeling bloated and even worse, I gained weight a lot. I realized that it doesn't make me feel good about myself so it has to stopped.

2. Less procrastination. Last year, I have missed so many things because of my procrastination habit and honestly I wish I didn't do that. But that's okay because if I look back, I did quite a lot last year. I have start to disciplined myself in the end of 2015, and this year I want to fasten my pace and racing with time so that I can accomplish more.

3. Be more fearless. I want to experience more in my life, trying new things and learning again and again. And fear has been the biggest obstacle in my life because I keep worrying if things doesn't work out. This also happened in terms of relationship. As most of the time I am afraid to approach people and build connection. So next year, I wanna be brave and fearless.

4. See new places. Travelling has always been a thing for me, but I've only been around Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. This year I wanna see more and I wanna go further. I trust myself that I will manage my money well, so hopefully I can go to Korea and Japan. Fingers crossed!!

5. Minimalism. Having a lot doesn't makes you happy. That's true. I used to be a very consumptive person, I buy stuff I don't need just because it's very cute, etc. And in the end of the day comes regret and a broke bank. Well.. That's not good. In 2015, I already did quite well with minimizing my possession and I feel very relieved to let all those things go away. Along with the journey, my mindset changed. I become more mindful in spending money and saving up. I will maintain this lifestyle in 2016 and do even better. There are still some stuff I wanna get rid off to achieve my ideal lifestyle.

That's it! Let's do these together!

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